
2011-12-23 2460 996.09K
Title:  Model Improvement and Experimental Verification of Microturbine Generation System
作者:  王成山; 高 菲; 李 鹏; 郭 力; 黄碧斌; 丁承第
 天津大学智能电网教育部重点实验室,天津 300072
Author(s):  WANG Cheng-shan; GAO Fei; LI Peng; GUO Li; HUANG Bi-bin; DING Cheng-di
 Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China
关键词:  ; 微型燃气轮机; 暂态仿真; 实验验证
Keywords:  ; microturbine; transient simulation; experimental verification
分类号: TM796
DOI: -
文献标识码: A
摘要:  对微型燃气轮机发电系统的原动装置、高速永磁同步发电机、整流器和逆变器及相应控制器、滤波器等各部分进行了数学建模和暂态仿真,并利用微型燃气轮机系统的实验数据分别对仿真系统稳态运行点和暂态过程的仿真模型进行了改进.将微燃机输入改进为变量的非线性组合形式,并根据微燃机输入输出关系和实验数据进行拟合确定相关参数,提高了微燃机稳态输出的模拟精度.在微燃机和逆变器指令中增加速率限制环节,能够有效地模拟出微燃机热力学的延迟特性,在功率指令变化时提高暂态响应曲线的拟合度.最后对实验数据和仿真结果进行比较,验证了所提改进模型的适用性和有效性.
Abstract:  The microturbine generation system,which was composed of microturbine,high speed permanent mag-net synchronous generator,converter,inverter,controller and filter,was modeled and simulated. The simulation model was improved both in steady operating points and transient process with the experimental data of a practical microturbine generation system. The microturbine input of variables nonlinear combination enhanced the microturbine output accuracy in steady state. The relevant parameters were calculated through data fitting based on the input-output relationship. The rate limiter,which reflected the delay characteristic of thermodynamic process,was applied in the power commands of the microturbine and inverter to improve the dynamic fit. Finally,the comparison between ex-perimental data and simulation results verified the applicability and effectiveness of the model proposed in this paper.

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